Receding Gums in Singapore: Causes and Treatments

October 1, 2024by Dr Yasmin Akrum

Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue pulls back from the teeth, exposing the darker yellow root surfaces. This will make the teeth look longer than they should. A common misconception is that gum recession is due to ageing. But, what’s the truth? Here’s what you need to know about gum health and gum recession causes. 

Gum Recession Causes: What to Keep in Mind

When it comes to gum recession causes, there are two things to keep in mind: periodontitis (gum disease) and overzealous toothbrushing.

Gum Disease

Periodontal (gum) disease is a chronic bacterial infection that destroys the bone and gums supporting the teeth. The tartar (calculus) and plaque (soft yellowish biofilm) found between the teeth and gums harbour a lot of bacteria that will irritate the gums and cause painless, chronic inflammation. Left untreated, these plaque and tartar accumulate below the gumline and gradually cause dental bone loss. Once the bone that is supporting the teeth is lost, gum recession takes place.

Overzealous Toothbrushing

Overzealous brushing happens when a person brushes too hard, uses incorrect brushing technique and/or uses an incorrect toothbrush. 

Excessive forces traumatise the soft delicate gums and they respond by shrinking lower. Incorrect scrubbing of the teeth not only abrades the gums, but also abrades the exposed enamel and softer root dentine, forming notches/cavities that will result in sensitivity. 

One should also use a soft-bristle toothbrush and brush gently, with light pressure on the gums. Speak with a dental professional about the right method of brushing.

Other Gum Recession Causes

Besides gum disease and harsh toothbrushing, the following are also some of the gum recession causes to be mindful of:

  • Genetics: Some individuals are more predisposed to gum disease, increasing their risk of recession.
  • Poor Oral Hygiene: Insufficient brushing and flossing allows plaque and tartar buildup, irritating the gums and leading to recession.
  • Tobacco Use: Smoking and chewing tobacco or vaping ( e-cigarettes)  increase the risk of gum disease and hence recession.
  • Misaligned Bite: Crooked teeth or an uneven bite in people increase the risk of recession.
  • After orthodontics are done: Recession of teeth can also occur after orthodontics.

gum recession causes

Gum Health: Symptoms of Receding Gums

The following may indicate gum recession: 

  • Sensitive teeth especially with sweet/sour/cold food
  • Teeth looking longer
  • Gaps between the teeth getting more obvious
  • Roots are exposed
  • Change in colour of teeth i.e. teeth look yellow near the gum line
  • Decay near the gum line
  • May have inflamed gums (red, puffy, bleeding, tenderness)

gum recession causes

Receding Gums Treatment In Singapore: Periodontal Therapy

Early detection and treatment result in favourable outcomes. However, a thorough dental assessment is needed to correctly diagnose and identify the root cause of the problem. This is crucial as the treatment varies according to the diagnosis. Gum disease causes MUST be addressed first to halt and prevent further recession of the gums.

  • Recession due to gum disease (periodontitis) needs gum (periodontal) therapy. It comprises thorough cleaning (scaling and root planing) of the teeth/root.
  • Recession due to overzealous brushing needs correction of the brushing habits and techniques.

Depending on the condition, receding gums treatment in Singapore may also include (but not limited to):

  • Antibiotics: Used to eliminate bacteria causing gum disease and prevent further recession in conjunction with deep cleaning
  • Gum Grafting Surgery: Replaces lost or thickens vulnerable thin gum tissue with a graft from another area in the mouth. Or from an external source (Commercially available ) 
  • Orthodontics: Corrects misaligned teeth, which are in a forward position and hence not uniformly surrounded by sufficient bone or gum
  • Desensitising Agents: Applied to teeth to reduce sensitivity caused by exposed roots.

Please note that the best treatment option for you will depend on the severity of your gum recession and its underlying cause. Consult with your dentist to discuss your individual needs and develop a personalised treatment plan.



Gum Recession: Causes, Prevention, Surgery & Treatment, Accessed October 1, 2024

Gum Disease, October 1, 2024

Gingival recession: its causes and types, and the importance of orthodontic treatment – PMC October 1, 2024

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